
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

37 Weeks + 4 Days

Down to the final stretch!   Garrett spent the weekend with some friends at Hershey Park so Mike and I managed to get a lot done around the house.  Sunday morning we went to Ihop for breakfast where I polished off 2 pancakes, two eggs, 2 slices of bacon, hash browns and toast.  The worst part was that I probably would have kept eating if I hadn't run out of food!  It's funny because with Garrett I remember that my appetite tapered off at the end and I was eating small meals more frequently.  I still feel like my appetite is pretty big this time around.

By Sunday night I was feeling like I might actually be ready for the baby to come.  I even managed to get one of the two baby hats knitted this weekend and by Monday night they were both done!  I've actually been feeling a little anxious about the whole "when is baby coming" situation.  I was feeling really unready a few weeks ago but now we are as ready as we are going to be.  When I was pregnant with Garrett I fully expected as a first time mom to go a week or so after my due date.  Even when I was checked at my 36 week appointment and was 1 cm dilated, I was still planning on going to at least by due date so when he came a full 12 days early it was a welcomed surprise.

This time around I've just assumed from the beginning that I would go early again this time.  I didn't realize until a few days ago that I was potentially setting myself up for a lot of frustration.  As of my 37 weeks appointment I was 1 cm dilated again but I was expecting to be a little further progressed since I've been having pretty consistent Braxton Hicks all throughout the 3rd trimester.  I keep telling myself that baby will come when he or she is good and ready but walking around knowing that it could be any day now or 3 weeks from now is honestly just not a lot of fun.  I've had some slight cramping and an occasion shooting pain in the last few days but definitely nothing to make me think I'm anywhere near labor.  I really think I just need to get out of my own head, relax a bit and enjoy these last few days or weeks of being a family of 3 and sleeping (mostly) through the night.