
Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like a terrible parent last week when the dentist told me Garrett has two cavities in his baby teeth.  I won't say we're perfect, but we only miss a few teeth brushings a week and I make the kid brush for a full minute every time.  I was really against giving Garrett flouride tablets because of the research I've read but I got him a prescprition.  We will see how long we stick with it because I'm still not super comfortable with it.

And apparently having cavities filled is not as tramatizing for a 6 year old as I thought it would be.

I was really prepared for a complete disaster, but as you can tell, he took it like a champ.  I really recommend "Berenstain Bears Go to the Dentist" and Little Critters "Just Going to the Dentist".  They both explained the whole process really well and Garrett was totally prepared for what was going to happen. 

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