
Friday, August 1, 2014

Crazy First Week

We are rapidly approaching the 3 week mark tomorrow which is hard to believe.  I thought I'd do a quick post on Declan's eventful first week home.  I had in my birth plan that I wanted to do as short of a hospital stay as I could.  He was born at 7:03am on Saturday and by Sunday morning we were ready to go!  Unfortunately there were some things that prevented us from getting discharged until about 4:30.  First the pediatrician on call heard a small heart murmur when doing his initial exam.  The originally wanted to do an echocardiogram before we left the hospital.  Garrett had a small murmur when he was born so I really wasn't concerned and didn't think the echo was necessary but was willing to go along with it.  By midday Sunday they were still unable to get it scheduled so they told us to just follow up with his pediatrician. Ironically by the time we got to the doctors on Tuesday it had already closed.  After some commotion in one of the other rooms, we discharged and headed home.

We arrived home where Mike's mom meet us and my dad dropped Garrett off.  We settled in for our first night home when a massive thunderstorm came through.  I was worried about losing power since we lose it pretty frequently.  Around 10:30 I left Declan in the bedroom with Mike to grab something out of the nursery when there was an incredibly loud boom and I felt the house shake.  We also heard a bunch of Mike's bourbon go crashing in the basement.  Mike yelled that we had just been hit by lightening and I immediately grabbed the baby, woke Garrett up and ran out in the rain (in my pajama's).  Mike told us to head to a neighbors and call the fire department because the house smelled like something was burning and water was spraying all over the place in the utility room.

So there I am in a pink sheer night shirt with a 1 day old newborn and a shoeless 9 year old, knocking on my neighbors door.  I can only imagine what she thought when we opened the door!  Thankfully the fire department came quickly and confirmed there was no fire and the burning had come from some wires that were no longer a threat.  The also confirmed that one of the 60ft pine trees beside our driveway was hit and the current came through the ground into the basement.  Mike had cut the water off because two pipes had burst and we had no power in the basement but it was safe to come back in.  A few hours later the neighborhood lost power so we packed up and headed to Mike's parents first thing Monday morning.  We stayed Monday and good bit of Tuesday before we were able to get a plumber to come out and fix the water issue.  Thankfully the damage wasn't as bad as we originally thought and we've been able to mostly put the house back together and Declan even managed to get his first bath when we got settled back home.

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