
Friday, May 23, 2014

1st Trimester

My first trimester when I was pregnant with Garrett was brutal.  I remember sleeping on the floor in the bathroom in my tiny apartment some nights because I was so sick.  The nausea was how I found out I was pregnant with him.  One minutes I was eating crabs with my mom for her birthday and the next I could hardly keep ginger ale and crackers down.  It went on for what seemed liked months but it had definitely cleared up by the time the first trimester was wrapping up.  I had a relatively uneventful second trimester and then spent most of my third trimester tired, sore and swollen.  I'll never forget in the hospital after Garrett was born and looking down at my ankles and thinking they looked like twigs.

It's amazing how different this pregnancy has been.  When I would hear women talk about how much they loved being pregnant I thought they were insane.  I was certain it had just been long enough that they had forgotten the misery and suffering.  This time around, I am not so cynical.  I won't go as far as to say that I love being pregnant but I can honestly say it has only been slightly inconvenient this time around.  I'm sure that it is mostly just because every pregnancy is different but I can't help but hope that the healthy eating and exercising has contributed to my easy second round of pregnancy.  I had no morning sickness in the first trimester although I was extremely tired in the beginning and EXTREMELY moody.  For a few weeks there I thought for sure Mike would end up divorcing me before we made it 3 months into the marriage.  I tried to curb the hormones and the mood swings but I'm fairly certain I didn't do a very good job and I spent a lot of time apologizing to Mike and Garrett.  But in the end we all survived the first trimester relatively unscathed.

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