
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nifty Nine

I'm still having a hard time saying it out loud... I have a nine year old.  Garrett celebrated his ninth birthday with an eventful weekend.  Somewhere along the lines I came up with the bright idea to take five (yes 5!!!) kids to the Orioles game for Garrett's birthday.  Mike and I thought it would be easier to catch the light rail down to the stadium rather than driving two cars down but I'm not quite sure that was the best laid plan.  All in all it really wasn't a bad experience and I think the boys had a lot of fun.  We all survived but the Orioles stunk it up and it really was exhausting, especially at 32 weeks pregnant.  The light rail ride back was incredibly crowded, we were stuck standing and trying to keep track of everyone for a solid 40 minute ride. On the ride back Mike looked at me and said he was never doing this again.  I asked him to clarify "never taking the light rain to a game or never taking 5 kids to a baseball game?"  "Any part of it, I am never doing any part of this again."  Ha, can't say I can argue with that.

The boys were planning to all spend the night so when we got home we ate some pizza and then sent them outside to run around and burn off some steam until it was time to start the movie.  About an hour later I came outside to get everyone together and come inside when I heard Garrett let out a blood curling scream. Definitely not the sound you ever want to hear coming from your child, especially at his birthday party.  Turns out he had been running through an area in our yard that has yet to get cleaned out from the previous owners and there was a piece of wood with a nail sticking right out of it.  I scooped him up and got him to an urgent care center where they were able to get him cleaned up and x-rayed in about an hour.  After filling a prescription we got home around 10pm and did birthday cake and a second round of pizza before settling down for the movie.  It will definitely go down as a birthday he will never forget but hopefully 10 years down the road he remembers more than just the fact that he stepped on a nail at his birthday party.   I unfortunately was so busy running around that I don't have any pictures to show for the day except the one I snapped at the ball park.

It's hard to believe that Garrett is really nine but at the same time, I can hardly remember what my life was like without him in it.  There is something about getting ready to start all over in the parenting department that has made me realize just how quickly he is growing up.  As excited as I am to welcome this new baby into our family, it is so different this time around because I know I will blink my eyes and be celebrating another 9th birthday.  We are half way to 18........ half way to graduating high school and embarking on a huge new chapter and that idea takes my breath away.

So Happy Birthday Garrett, we are so excited to see what the next 9 years holds but you will always be my happy.  Our family started out as just the two of us and I wouldn't trade those years for anything in the world.  Our family grew by one when Mike came into the picture almost 5 years ago and this July we will see it grow by one more.  You are going to be an amazing big brother and I'm so excited to get to watch you grow into that role in the next few years.

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