
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 7

Over the years I think I've become less and less concerned with politics.  There was a time when I would proudly jump up on a soap box and proclaim what I found wrong with this country.  But really, what good does that do?  Sitting around complaining has certainly never resulted in a positive outcome, of this I am certain.  Over the years I've lost my passion for politics due to a lot of different reasons, the main reason being that politics are just another thing to divide us.  Democrat or Republicans is divisive enough.  But now there is division within parties between the left, center and right leaning of these groups.  Really what this country and it's people need is to come together, to stop focusing on the things that we disagree on and focus on the things we have in common.  Because when you really take the time to sit down and think, we all have things in common.  Sure, the differences are more prevalent and easier to find, but doesn't it feel better to relate to someone than attack them?  Not that you would know it by turning on the news or social media around election time.....

Regardless of my decrease in political passion over the years I am still thankful for the ability to have a say in how my country is run.  In Maryland, we were lucky enough to be able to vote on a very important constitutional amendment to allow ALL families to have a sense of security.  I went to bed on election night praying that I would be able to wake up in the morning proud of the state I have lived in my entire life. Luckily, I was able to do that and today, I am thankful to be a resident of Maryland.

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