
Monday, November 4, 2013

Day One, Two and Three

Alright, I'm bringing back the thankful November from last year a few days late so I have a few days to catch up on.  

Day One

Friday I was thankful for an extra day to catch up.  Mike and I were married on Friday 10/18 which gave us one day to get packed for our honeymoon.  We returned very late Monday night which gave us one day to rest before returning to work on Wednesday.  I had forgotten about school being closed on Friday and took the day off since I think the honeymoon has temporarily exhausted our pool of child watching grandparents.  

My brothers two dogs are temporarily staying with us while he is on his 3rd deployment with the Army.  I think his dog Pecan was thankful for my unpacked suitcase.

Day Two

Speaking of my brother, I am thankful for the Viber app which allows us to text and call internationally for free.  It means staying in contact a  lot more than any of his previous deployments.

Day Three

Something about November has me feeling the pull to be inside despite the beautiful weather we've been having. I've felt a little guilty about not getting outside to enjoy the weather since we've been back but it felt good to spend the weekend cleaning the house to get ready for the hibernation that I know is right around the corner.  But I did get to enjoy the beautiful ride through horse country we make once a week to take Garrett to his indoor lacrosse game so today I am thankful for the breathtaking views we have so close to home.

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