
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

CSA week 1

Our CSA had it's first pick up on Thursday.  I really can't say enough wonderful things about this CSA.  Between the potluck kick off party and the fact it's right up the street from us, it is exactly the sense of community we were looking for from our food. 

The farm is literally in their yard.  Most of the farm land is located across the street from the house but the building where we pick up and the green houses are located right in their backyard.  Garrett had a great time taking pictures while I picked up our share. 

Picture courtesy of Garrett

This week's share consisted of Bok Choi, spring mix, spinach, scallions, kale, strawberries and carrots. We also chose to add the egg option to our share and get a dozen eggs a week from a farm in Freeland.

My meal planning will be moved to Friday so that I can plan around what we pick up that week.  We were also provided with over 100 pages of recipes for the different items we will pick up throughout the season. 

My garden is off to a lackluster start (more about that later) so I'm excited to have fresh greens in the house again.  There is also a rumor that we may be able to pick extra strawberries this week!


  1. Isn't it amazing the people you find from a blog, from another blog, from another blog?
    I read through your posts. I think we have a lot in common. My desire to "get green" started slowly after the birth of my older daughter and has gained momentum over the last 3 years.
    My husband (Mike, too) is the only reason I haven't gone off the deep end and released my inner hippie completely!
    I hope to read more about your chickens!

    1. That's too funny. My Mike definitely keeps me in check a lot of the time with my "great" ideas!!
